Construction Industry Advocacy
SWCA advocates for SW Washington contractors and those that support the construction industry through lobbying efforts, legislative lunches that connect our membership with regional elected leaders and city, county, and state level officials, as well as having influence through the Development and Engineering Advisory Board for Clark County.

Don’t worry, we won’t focus on the politicized candidate elections; we will only focus on the issues that matter:
- Workforce Shortage Solutions: Our companies needed workers yesterday. We are working to find quick and responsible solutions to get you workers!
- Clark County’s Permitting Process Improvement: We understand that permitting is a necessary evil. However, that doesn’t mean that the process cannot be improved. We’re happy to say that we are a part of the Clark County Functional Oversight Team, a task force that has been challenged with streamlining the permit process in Clark County.
- Clark County Growth Management: Clark County is rapidly growing and we believe Clark County needs land available for development… not just land for homes, but land for commercial and industrial land that creates real, living wage jobs.
- Rock Supply in Clark County: We are actively working to educate lawmakers about the effects of the short supply of rock Clark County faces if action isn't taken. Rock is needed for construction and if we don't have quarries available to extract these necessary resources, cost of construction rises. That means: more expensive houses, more expensive roads, higher taxes, and other unintended consequences.
- I-5 Bridge Replacement: The I-5 corridor is a huge part of interstate commerce and trade. We know when you're sitting in traffic, you're productivity levels are low, and your profit margins are suffering. It has a huge impact on cost of goods, labor costs, tourism, etc. We are working with other organizations to find a solution to this hefty problem.
- Washington Dig Law: We support common sense legislation that clarifies Washington State Dig Law. This includes clarifying what is considered as "locatable" and whose considered liable for damages to utility infrastructure under vague circumstances. It is our primary goal to represent the excavation community to ensure that their voices are present during any and all clarifications to Washington's Dig Law.
Help us strengthen our advocacy efforts:
- Take Action: Contribute to advocacy endeavors each month by donating one-hour of your time and join our Advocacy Committee. Lend your experience during these meetings to ensure we’re representing your interest fully. Contact Executive Director Sherrie Jones, for meeting times.
- Construction Connection and Shoptalk with Sherrie newsletters: Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter to get the most current industry news
- Like us on social media: We are on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and Instagram to provide you with immediate resources and news!
Have an issue you need help with? We can go at bat for you!
Contact Sherrie Jones with your issue/concern and we will get into contact with the correct people on your behalf.